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Unfinished pyramid in Zawiyat al Aryan or Nebka pyramid

The Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan, also known as the Pyramid of Baka or Bikheris, is a significant archaeological site in Egypt. It’s believed to date back to the early or mid-4th Dynasty, around 2613–2494 BC, during the Old Kingdom period.

This pyramid is particularly notable for its large shaft, which is part of an unfinished structure. The first descriptions and investigations of the monument were made in the mid-19th century by German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who marked it as “Pyramid XIII” in his list. 

The pyramid was intended to be a true pyramid with a base of 200 meters, but it was never completed. No casing stones have been found, suggesting that the construction was halted before these could be added. 

Published 2024-Apr-Tue

Unfinished pyramid in Zawiyat al Aryan or Nebka pyramid

The Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawiyet el-Aryan, also known as the Pyramid of Baka or Bikheris, is a significant archaeological site in Egypt. It’s believed to date back to the early or mid-4th Dynasty, around 2613–2494 BC, during the Old Kingdom period.

This pyramid is particularly notable for its large shaft, which is part of an unfinished structure. The first descriptions and investigations of the monument were made in the mid-19th century by German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who marked it as “Pyramid XIII” in his list. 

The pyramid was intended to be a true pyramid with a base of 200 meters, but it was never completed. No casing stones have been found, suggesting that the construction was halted before these could be added. 

The Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawyet El Aryan, also known as the Pyramid of Baka or Bikheris, is a remarkable archaeological site in Egypt. Here are more details:

  1. Construction and Attribution:

    • Date: It likely belongs to the early or mid-4th Dynasty (around 2613–2494 BC) during the Old Kingdom period.
    • Owner: Uncertain, but possibly a king known as Bikheris (hellenized name), perhaps from the Egyptian Baka. Some Egyptologists doubt this attribution.
    • Structure: Originally intended as a true pyramid with a base of 200 meters, it was never completed. No casing stones have been found.
    • Architectural Prowess: The pyramid’s monumental size and architectural features astounded early explorers. The precision of cuts, granite finish, and sheer height of walls left an indelible impression.
  2. Inscriptions and Mystery:

    • Chamber Inscriptions: Numerous inscriptions within the chamber and descending stairway are written in black and red ink.
    • Cartouche Name: The correct reading of the cartouche name remains elusive. Proposed interpretations include NebkaBik-KaSchena-Ka, and Nefer-Ka.
    • Tantalizing Mystery: Scholars continue to debate the identity of the pyramid’s builder, leaving us with an intriguing puzzle.
  3. Current State

The Unfinished Pyramid stands as a testament to ancient Egypt’s architectural mastery and the enigmatic stories hidden within its stone walls. 🌟

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