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Tomb of Qar

The Tomb of Qar, designated as G 7101, is located in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza, near the pyramid of Khufu. Qar was an official during the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, likely serving between the reigns of Merenre I and Pepy II. The limestone superstructure of his mastaba has disappeared, but the substructure, carved from the rock, remains. The tomb’s decoration includes scenes executed in limestone blocks over the natural rock, though many are incomplete due to displacement or damage. 

Published 2024-Apr-Mon

Tomb of Qar

The Tomb of Qar, designated as G 7101, is located in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza, near the pyramid of Khufu. Qar was an official during the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, likely serving between the reigns of Merenre I and Pepy II. The limestone superstructure of his mastaba has disappeared, but the substructure, carved from the rock, remains. The tomb’s decoration includes scenes executed in limestone blocks over the natural rock, though many are incomplete due to displacement or damage. 


  1. Location and Discovery:

    • The tomb of Qar (also known as Meryrenefer) is designated as G 7101 and lies north of the edge of the Eastern Giza Cemetery, near the nearby double mastaba of Prince Kawab.
    • The superstructure of the mastaba has entirely disappeared, but the rest of the complex, except for part of the stairway, was excavated from the rock.
    • The tomb is situated a hundred meters from the eastern face of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the vast East cemetery attached to this pyramid.
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  2. Historical Context:

    • The Fourth Dynasty, known for building the pyramids at Giza, eventually gave way to the Fifth Dynasty, which shifted its focus to Abusir and South Saqqara for pyramid construction.
    • During the Sixth Dynasty (approximately 2345-2180 BC), the economic system supporting society began to decline, and hereditary appointments replaced royal control.
    • Qar lived during this period, serving between the reigns of Merenre I and Pepy II.
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  3. Tomb Structure and Family Depictions:

    • Qar’s tomb consists of a stair leading to a small entrance corridor, followed by the main chamber.
    • The main room is divided into two courts (labeled C and D), separated by freestanding and engaged pillars.
    • The limestone blocks used for decoration were placed over the natural rock, but many scenes remain incomplete due to displacement or damage.
    • The tomb depicts several members of Qar’s family, including his wife Gefi, son Idu, and other relatives.
  4. Titles and Roles:

    • Qar held various titles, including:
      • Overseer of All Works
      • True Support of Knmwt
      • Overseer of the Pyramid Town of Khufu
      • Overseer of the Residence
      • Overseer of the Scribes of the Crews in the Two Houses

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