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The mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke in Sakkara

The Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke, located in the Saqqara necropolis, is an ancient Egyptian tomb structure. It served as a final resting place for high officials and is characterized by its flat-roofed, rectangular shape with sloping sides. These mastabas were integral to the burial practices during the early dynastic periods and the Old Kingdom, reflecting the social status of the individuals interred within. The Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke is a testament to the architectural ingenuity and the funerary customs of ancient Egypt.

Published 2024-Apr-Wed

The mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke in Sakkara

The Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke, located in the Saqqara necropolis, is an ancient Egyptian tomb structure. It served as a final resting place for high officials and is characterized by its flat-roofed, rectangular shape with sloping sides. These mastabas were integral to the burial practices during the early dynastic periods and the Old Kingdom, reflecting the social status of the individuals interred within. The Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke is a testament to the architectural ingenuity and the funerary customs of ancient Egypt.

 the Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke and the Persian Shaft in Saqqar:a

Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke:

  • Location: The Mastaba of Ptah Iru Ke is situated in the Saqqara necropolis, near the Pyramid of Unas.
  • Structure: It is a flat-roofed, rectangular tomb typical of ancient Egyptian mastabas.
  • Purpose: Mastabas served as burial places for high officials and reflected their social status.
  • Significance: Ptah Iru Ke’s mastaba showcases advanced engineering and funerary customs of ancient Egypt.

Persian Shaft:

  • Location: The Persian Shaft is a subterranean structure near the Pyramid of Unas.
  • Description:
    • vertical shaft descends about 20 meters (65.6 feet) into the ground.
    • It leads to a system of three domed stone chambers.
    • Two chambers are empty, while the third contains a monolithic granite block.
    • The granite block measures 4.3 meters (14.1 feet) long2.5 meters (8.2 feet) wide, and 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) high.
    • The mystery lies in how this massive block was transported down the narrow shaft, which is only 1.5 x 1.4 meters (4.9 x 4.6 feet).
    • The method used remains a subject of wonder and speculation.

Both structures provide fascinating glimpses into ancient Egyptian architecture and engineering. 🌟

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