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Mastaba of Nefer Her Ptah in Sakkara

The Mastaba of Nefer Her Ptah in Saqqara, also known as “The Bird Tomb,” is an ancient Egyptian tomb noted for its engravings and paintings of various fowl. It was discovered in 1940 and is part of a group of eleven burials. 

Published 2024-Apr-Wed

Mastaba of Nefer Her Ptah in Sakkara

The Mastaba of Nefer Her Ptah in Saqqara, also known as “The Bird Tomb,” is an ancient Egyptian tomb noted for its engravings and paintings of various fowl. It was discovered in 1940 and is part of a group of eleven burials. 

The mastaba of Neferherenptah at Saqqara, also known as “The Bird Tomb,” is part of a group of eleven burials discovered and searched in 1940 by Abd el-salam Mohammed Hussein. Neferherenptah was not a senior official of the state but held functions appropriate to the sovereign’s personal service. He took care of the king’s hairdressing, wigs, and directed other hairdressers in the palace. The tomb has a complex history and includes three floor levels, of which only one is decorated. Here are some details:

  1. Tomb Owner:

    • The final owner of the monument was Neferherenptah (“Beautiful face of Ptah”). He carried titles such as “Head of the Hairdressers of the Great House,” “Supervisor of the wig and hairdressers,” and “Known to the king.” Little else is known about him or his family.
  2. Architecture of the Tomb:

    • The tomb consists of three superimposed levels:
      • Lowest Level: Contains the sarcophagus chamber, measuring 4.20m (south-north) by 2.10m (west-east) and 2.10m in height. A table of offerings is located to the west.
      • Middle Level: Not accessible to visitors.
      • Upper Level: Partially decorated and accessible to visitors.
    • The tomb was established in several phases during the Vth Dynasty.


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