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The Villa of the Birds

The Villa of the Birds is a Roman house in Alexandria, Egypt, named for its exquisite mosaic floor depicting nine species of birds. Discovered by an Egyptian-Polish mission in 1998, it features intricate mosaic tiles from the remains of a large villa dating back to the reign of Emperor Hadrian. The villa, one of the best-preserved examples of a large Roman house in Egypt, was damaged by fire in the late third century AD, but the mosaics have been carefully restored. Visitors can view the mosaics from an elevated walkway, protected by an overhead shelter12.

Published 2024-Apr-Sun

The Villa of the Birds

The Villa of the Birds is a Roman house in Alexandria, Egypt, named for its exquisite mosaic floor depicting nine species of birds. Discovered by an Egyptian-Polish mission in 1998, it features intricate mosaic tiles from the remains of a large villa dating back to the reign of Emperor Hadrian. The villa, one of the best-preserved examples of a large Roman house in Egypt, was damaged by fire in the late third century AD, but the mosaics have been carefully restored. Visitors can view the mosaics from an elevated walkway, protected by an overhead shelter12.

the Villa of the Birds

The Villa of the Birds, also known as Kom al-Dikka, is a captivating Roman house located in Alexandria, Egypt. Here are the fascinating aspects of this historical site:

Discovery and Origin:
The villa was unearthed in 1998 by the Polish Archaeological Mission during their extensive work at Kom el-Dikka.
It dates back to the time of Emperor Hadrian (117 AD – 138 AD).
The villa is named after its incredibly detailed pavement, which features intricate mosaic tiles.
Bird Mosaic:
The most remarkable feature of the Villa of the Birds is its mosaic floor in the main room.
The mosaic depicts recognizable birds, including the pigeon, peacock, parrot, quail, and water hen.
Additionally, a stylized panther, complete with the horns of a defeated prey, graces the mosaic.
The artisans used tiny cubes of marble, glass paste, and stone to create this unique artwork.
This figural mosaic is one of the few surviving examples from Alexandria’s Roman period.
Villa Complex:
The Roman villa complex extends around 10 meters below street level.
Besides the bird mosaic, it includes:
An Odeon theatre
Residential areas
Despite fire damage in the late 300s, the mosaic still covers an impressive 110 square meters.
Preservation and Restoration:
Visitors can explore the Villa of the Birds by walking around a raised floor with an overhead shelter.
Archaeologists and conservators collaborated on a preservation project:
They cleaned the fire-blackened mosaics.
Repairs were made to breaks caused by collapsing walls.
Missing portions were carefully restored for long-term protection.
An underground aeration system was constructed to mitigate dampness.
An elevated walkway provides a viewing platform for visitors.
Information panels explain the significance of the mosaics.
Additional Discoveries:
During the construction of a glass shelter, archaeologists found another mosaic depicting a panther.
The panther mosaic uses small cubes of marble, stone, and glass paste.
The horns of a defeated prey are still visible near the panther’s forepaws.
The Villa of the Birds stands as a testament to ancient craftsmanship and artistic expression in the heart of Alexandria12. 🏛️🌟

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