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The monastery of St Bishoy

Deir al Anba Bishay, also known as the Monastery of St. Bishoy, is a historic Coptic Orthodox monastery located in the Wadi Natrun region of Egypt. Founded by St. Bishoy in AD 340, it is one of the most active monastic communities in the area. The monastery is known for its fortified keep, which is accessed via a drawbridge, and houses the body of St. Bishoy, said to be perfectly preserved. Each year on July 15, his remains are carried in procession around the church. The monastery complex includes a refectory, fortress, and church, with the latter containing frescoes that have been revealed due to recent restoration efforts. 

Published 2024-Apr-Sat

The monastery of St Bishoy

Deir al Anba Bishay, also known as the Monastery of St. Bishoy, is a historic Coptic Orthodox monastery located in the Wadi Natrun region of Egypt. Founded by St. Bishoy in AD 340, it is one of the most active monastic communities in the area. The monastery is known for its fortified keep, which is accessed via a drawbridge, and houses the body of St. Bishoy, said to be perfectly preserved. Each year on July 15, his remains are carried in procession around the church. The monastery complex includes a refectory, fortress, and church, with the latter containing frescoes that have been revealed due to recent restoration efforts. 

The Monastery of St. Bishoy, also known as Deir Abu Bishoy, is a prominent Coptic Orthodox monastery with a rich history and spiritual significance. Here are more details:

Foundation and Ancient History:
Founded by St. Pishoy in the 4th century, it is located in Wadi El Natrun, Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
It is the easternmost of the four current monasteries of Wadi el Natrun.
The monastery houses the relics of St. Pishoy and Paul of Tammah, both originally interred at the Monastery of Pishoy in Deir el-Bersha.
On December 13, 841, Pope Joseph I of Alexandria moved their bodies to this monastery, where they lie in the main church1.
Modern History:
The monastery contains the relics of Pishoy, Paul of Tammah, and other saints.
Eyewitnesses recount that the body of Pishoy remains incorrupt.
Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria, who served from 1971 to 2012, is also interred there.
The monastery has five churches, the main one being named after Pishoy. The others are dedicated to Mary, Abaskhiron the Soldier, Saint George, and the Archangel Michael1.
Architecture and Defense:
A keep was built in the 5th century to protect the monastery against Berber attacks.
An initial castle was constructed early in the 20th century, later replaced by a four-storied castle built by Pope Shenouda III.
The monastery also features a well known as the Well of the Martyrs. According to Coptic tradition, Berbers washed their swords in this well after killing the Forty-Nine Martyrs of Scetis1.
Development and Restoration:
Under Pope Shenouda III, new land around the monastery was purchased and developed.
Facilities for poultry, cattle breeding, and dairy were established.
Ancient buildings and churches were restored, and new structures such as cells for monks, retreat houses, a papal residence, reception area, auditorium, conference rooms, fences, and gates were built1.
In summary, the Monastery of St. Bishoy is a beacon of Coptic Christian heritage, combining ancient history with modern religious practice, and continues to be a site of pilgrimage and monastic life in Egypt. 🏛️🇪🇬1.

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