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Montazah Palace

Montazah Palace, also known as Qasr Al-Montazah, is a historic palace located in the Montaza district of Alexandria, Egypt. Built in 1892 by Khedive Abbas II, it served as a summer residence for the royal family. The palace complex includes the Salamlek Palace, initially used as a hunting lodge, and the larger El-Haramlek Palace, built in 1932 by King Fuad I in a mix of Ottoman and Florentine styles. The site now features a public museum, extensive gardens, and a hotel, offering a glimpse into the history and art of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty123.

Published 2024-Apr-Sun

Montazah Palace

Montazah Palace, also known as Qasr Al-Montazah, is a historic palace located in the Montaza district of Alexandria, Egypt. Built in 1892 by Khedive Abbas II, it served as a summer residence for the royal family. The palace complex includes the Salamlek Palace, initially used as a hunting lodge, and the larger El-Haramlek Palace, built in 1932 by King Fuad I in a mix of Ottoman and Florentine styles. The site now features a public museum, extensive gardens, and a hotel, offering a glimpse into the history and art of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty123.

Certainly! Let’s delve into more details about the Montazah Palace:

Location and Overview:
The Montazah Palace (also known as Qasr Al-Montazah) is situated in the Montaza district of Alexandria, Egypt.
It was built on a low plateau east of central Alexandria, overlooking a beautiful beach on the Mediterranean Sea1.
Historical Significance:
The extensive Montazah Palace grounds originally included the Salamlek Palace, constructed in 1892 by Khedive Abbas II. This ruler was the last of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty to hold the Khedive title over the Khedivate of Egypt and Sudan.
The Salamlek Palace served as both a hunting lodge and a residence for the Khedive’s companion1.
Later, in 1932, King Fuad I added the larger El-Haramlek Palace and royal gardens to the Montazah Palace grounds. El-Haramlek Palace was designed as a summer palace and features a unique blend of Ottoman and Florentine styles.
The palace boasts two towers, with one rising distinctively high and adorned with elaborate Italian Renaissance design details1.
Current Usage:
Salamlek Palace: President Anwar El-Sadat renovated the original Salamlek Palace, transforming it into an official presidential residence. More recently, it was used by former president Hosni Mubarak. Today, the Salamlek Palace has been converted into a luxury hotel1.
El-Haramlek Palace: This palace now serves as a public museum showcasing the history of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty through various objects d’art. Additionally, it functions as a casino1.
Montazah Palace Gardens: Covering approximately 150 acres, the beautifully manicured gardens stretch all the way to the nearby beach. Visitors can enjoy wading pools, swimming pools, and a pleasantly cool breeze from the Mediterranean Sea. The gardens are open to the public and offer a relaxing day out2.
Architectural Influence:
The central tower of the Montazah Palace was inspired by the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy, reflecting a blend of Turkish and Florentine architecture3.
In summary, the Montazah Palace and its gardens are a true Mediterranean gem, offering historical richness, architectural beauty, and a serene coastal setting for visitors to explore and enjoy2. 🏰🌿🌊

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