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Tomb of Hor Mohep in Sakkara

The Tomb of Hor Mohep in Saqqara is not widely documented, and it seems there might be a confusion with the name. However, if you’re referring to the Tomb of Horemheb, it’s a significant New Kingdom structure built for Horemheb, the commander in chief of the Egyptian armies during Tutankhamun’s reign and later a pharaoh himself. The tomb is known for its Amarna-style art and contains the burials of his two wives, Mutnedjmet and Amenia. If you meant a different tomb of have more details, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to assist further.

Published 2024-Apr-Wed

Tomb of Hor Mohep in Sakkara

The Tomb of Hor Mohep in Saqqara is not widely documented, and it seems there might be a confusion with the name. However, if you’re referring to the Tomb of Horemheb, it’s a significant New Kingdom structure built for Horemheb, the commander in chief of the Egyptian armies during Tutankhamun’s reign and later a pharaoh himself. The tomb is known for its Amarna-style art and contains the burials of his two wives, Mutnedjmet and Amenia. If you meant a different tomb of have more details, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to assist further.

The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb is located in the Saqqara necropolis, near Memphis, Egypt. Here are some fascinating details about this ancient tomb:

  1. Purpose and Construction:

    • The tomb was constructed before Horemheb ascended to the throne.
    • It was never used for his burial, as he later built the Theban tomb KV57 for this purpose.
    • Instead, his two wives, Mutnedjmet and Amenia, were buried within the structure.
  2. Architectural Features:

    • The tomb was built in three phases as Horemheb’s status rose.
    • The initial design included an entry pylon leading to a forecourt with a burial shaft and three chapels.
    • Later modifications added new chapels, a walled forecourt, and a peristyle open court.
    • Intrusive burials were found in the side chapels.
  3. Art and Reliefs:

    • Military scenes were carved on the original peristyle court.
    • The walls of the later peristyle court depict Horemheb’s duties in office, including deputizing for Tutankhamun.
    • Scenes from the funeral show kiosks with smashed pots and mourners.
  4. Discovery and Excavation:

    • The tomb was discovered by art robbers in the early 19th century.
    • Looted reliefs ended up in European and American museums.
    • Excavations took place in 1975-1979, revealing its fascinating history and design.
  5. Amarna-Style Art:

    • The tomb is built and decorated in Amarna-style art.
    • The interior design suggests it was meant to be a funerary temple.
  6. Uraeus Symbol:

    • Visitors can see that the uraeus, or headdress of the king, was added to depictions of Horemheb after the original reliefs were made, signifying his kingship.
  7. General’s Career and Military Victories:

    • Wall reliefs in the inner courtyard highlight Horemheb’s career and celebrate his military successes.

The tomb of Horemheb provides valuable insights into ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs. 🌟

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