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The tomb of Nefer in Sakkara

The Tomb of Nefer in Saqqara is an Old Kingdom mastaba, notable for its vibrant and classic reliefs. Nefer, who was the “Supervisor of Artisans” and the “Director of Choir Singers” during the 5th Dynasty, is buried here. 

Published 2024-Apr-Wed

The tomb of Nefer in Sakkara

The Tomb of Nefer in Saqqara is an Old Kingdom mastaba, notable for its vibrant and classic reliefs. Nefer, who was the “Supervisor of Artisans” and the “Director of Choir Singers” during the 5th Dynasty, is buried here. 

 The Tomb of Nefer in Saqqara is an Old Kingdom mastaba that belonged to Nefer, who held the titles of “Supervisor of Artisans” and “Director of Choir Singers” during the 5th Dynasty. Here are the details:

  1. Structure:

    • The tomb is a non-royal tomb of two esteemed musicians, a father, and a son.
    • It is located near Cairo in the sector of the Pyramid of Unas.
    • The tomb consists of a courtyard, a long, L-shaped offering hall with a serdab at the southern rear.
    • The chapel is decorated with colorful reliefs typical of the Old Kingdom period.
  2. Scenes and Craftsmanship:

    • The walls depict scenes of daily life, including agriculture.
    • Interesting depictions include a herdsman tending cattle grazing on leaves and a boatman jousting in marshes.
    • The tomb contains nine burial shafts, and one of them likely holds Nefer’s mummy.
  3. Family Burial:

    • Nefer shared the tomb with eight other family members, including his father, Kaha, and his mother, Merietes.
    • Kaha held the same title of “Director of Singers”, and Merietes was a Priestess of Hathor.

The Tomb of Nefer is a fascinating glimpse into ancient Egyptian life and artistry. 🌟

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