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The Temple of Ain El Muftella in Bahariya-oasis

The Temple of Ain El Muftella in Bahariya Oasis is an ancient site that once served as the city center of the Old Town of Al Qasr. Located three kilometers west of Al Qaser, it contains four chapels discovered by the archaeologist Ahmed Fakhry in 1938-1939. These chapels, dating back to the 26th dynasty, were part of a temple complex built during the reign of Pharaoh Amasis. 

Published 2024-Apr-Sun

The Temple of Ain El Muftella in Bahariya-oasis

The Temple of Ain El Muftella in Bahariya Oasis is an ancient site that once served as the city center of the Old Town of Al Qasr. Located three kilometers west of Al Qaser, it contains four chapels discovered by the archaeologist Ahmed Fakhry in 1938-1939. These chapels, dating back to the 26th dynasty, were part of a temple complex built during the reign of Pharaoh Amasis. 

The Temple of Ain El Muftella is a significant archaeological site in Bahariya Oasis, which was once the city center of the ancient town of El Qasr. Here’s a detailed description:

Architectural Layout

The temple complex consists of four chapels that were discovered by Ahmed Fakhry in 1938-1939. 

Artistic Significance

The largest chapel is particularly notable for its two chambers with well-preserved reliefs.. This diverse range of art reflects the many differences groups and time periods that have left their mark on the temple.

Religious Importance

The temple served multiple purposes, acting as a place of worship for various deities rather than being dedicated to a single god. 


Despite the encroaching Sahara, the chapels have been well-preserved, allowing visitors to view paintings, reliefs, carvings, and statues. 


The Temple of Ain El Muftella is easily accessible from the modern city of Bawiti, which has risen up in place of the ancient city of El Qasr. 

Tourist Experience

Visitors to the temple can expect to see a variety of artwork from the different time periods that contributed to the temple’s rich history. 

The Temple of Ain El Muftella stands as a testament to the religious and cultural diversity of the ancient civilizations that inhabited the Bahariya Oasis. Its well-preserved chapels offer a unique window into the past, making it a must-see for those interested in Egypt’s archaeological heritage.

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