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Pyramid Complex of Horus Sekhemket

The Pyramid Complex of Horus Sekhemkhet, also known as the Buried Pyramid, is an unfinished step pyramid from the 3rd Dynasty, located at Saqqara. It was intended to be larger than Djoser’s pyramid and exhibits a simpler structure due to its incompletion. 

Published 2024-Apr-Wed

Pyramid Complex of Horus Sekhemket

The Pyramid Complex of Horus Sekhemkhet, also known as the Buried Pyramid, is an unfinished step pyramid from the 3rd Dynasty, located at Saqqara. It was intended to be larger than Djoser’s pyramid and exhibits a simpler structure due to its incompletion. 

the Pyramid Complex of Horus Sekhemkhet

  1. Location and Context:

    • Sekhemkhet’s funerary complex is situated at Saqqara, to the north-west of his predecessor Netjerikhet’s pyramid and to the east of the so-called Great Enclosure.
    • The Great Enclosure is possibly part of a funerary complex dated towards the end of the 2nd Dynasty, a couple of generations before Sekhemkhet.
    • Sekhemkhet’s reign was short, which might explain why his monument was left unfinished.
  2. Architectural Features:

    • Enclosure Wall: The complex had a surrounding wall with a palace façade motif. Unlike Netjerikhet’s complex, most of the fake buildings were missing in Sekhemkhet’s.
    • Step Pyramid: Sekhemkhet’s pyramid was intended as a step-pyramid. The same construction technique used for Netjerikhet’s pyramid was applied here.
    • South Tomb: Located to the south of the pyramid, the South Tomb was also left unfinished. It contained the remains of a two-year-old boy, unlikely to be Sekhemkhet himself.
    • Imhotep’s Influence: The name of Netjerikhet’s brilliant architect, Imhotep, is mentioned on the north enclosure wall. It’s likely that Imhotep also designed Sekhemkhet’s monument.
  3. Burial Chamber and Sarcophagus:

    • Beneath the pyramid, there exists a network of subterranean galleries and magazines surrounding the burial chamber.
    • A unique sealed alabaster sarcophagus was found, although without any human remains inside.
  4. Unfinished Legacy:

    • Sekhemkhet’s untimely death halted construction, leaving the pyramid incomplete.
    • Despite its unfinished state, the Buried Pyramid of Sekhemkhet stands as a testament to ancient Egypt’s architectural ambitionp

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