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Mastaba of Idu

The Mastaba of Idu, located in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza, is an ancient Egyptian tomb from the 6th Dynasty, attributed to Idu, an official during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi I. This mastaba is noted for its unique architectural features and the quality of its carvings. The tomb includes a descending stairway leading to a vestibule and an entrance corridor, followed by a single rectangular room. 

Published 2024-Apr-Mon

Mastaba of Idu

The Mastaba of Idu, located in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza, is an ancient Egyptian tomb from the 6th Dynasty, attributed to Idu, an official during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi I. This mastaba is noted for its unique architectural features and the quality of its carvings. The tomb includes a descending stairway leading to a vestibule and an entrance corridor, followed by a single rectangular room. 

The Mastaba of Idu, also known as G 7102, is an ancient Egyptian tomb located in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza. It dates back to the 6th Dynasty, during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi I. Idu was a high-ranking official, holding the title of “Scribe of the Royal Documents in the presence of the king.” His mastaba is part of a larger group of family tombs, including that of his likely father, Qar (G 7101).

Architectural Features:

  • The mastaba features a descending stairway leading to a vestibule and an entrance corridor.
  • A single rectangular room with a north-south axis serves as the main chamber.
  • The tomb’s walls are adorned with carvings and inscriptions that provide a glimpse into Idu’s life and the funerary customs of the period.

Artistic Significance:

  • The carvings within the Mastaba of Idu are of exceptional quality.
  • One of the most notable artistic elements is the false door, a common feature in Egyptian tombs, which was believed to be the portal through which the soul could enter and exit the tomb.
  • Idu is depicted in a full figure with a large belly and breasts, symbolizing his well-being and wealth.

Historical Context:

  • The 6th Dynasty marked a time of administrative decentralization in ancient Egypt, with increased power for local officials like Idu.
  • Tombs from this period often reflect the personal achievements and status of the individuals buried within them.

Excavation and Research:

  • The Mastaba of Idu has been the subject of archaeological study, revealing much about the construction and decoration techniques used during the era.
  • Research has provided insights into the materials used for the tomb’s construction and the pigments employed in its decorations.


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