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Khafre or chephren pyramid

The Khafre Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Khafre or the Pyramid of Chephren, is the second-largest pyramid in Giza, Egypt, after the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khafre during the Old Kingdom period, around 2570 BC. It's notable for retaining some of its original casing stones at its apex.

Published 2024-Mar-Wed

Khafre or chephren pyramid

The Khafre Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Khafre or the Pyramid of Chephren, is the second-largest pyramid in Giza, Egypt, after the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khafre during the Old Kingdom period, around 2570 BC. It's notable for retaining some of its original casing stones at its apex.

The Pyramid of Khafre, commonly referred to as the Chephren Pyramid, stands as one of the iconic structures of ancient Egypt's Giza plateau. Constructed during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, around 2570 BC, it served as the tomb for Pharaoh Khafre, the successor to Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid. Despite appearing slightly smaller than its renowned neighbor, the Khafre Pyramid is remarkable for its enduring grandeur and precision. Originally encased in smooth limestone, remnants of this casing still cling to its upper reaches. The structure is flanked by the Great Sphinx, further enhancing its mystique and historical significance. As a testament to ancient Egyptian engineering and craftsmanship, the Khafre Pyramid continues to captivate and intrigue visitors from around the world, standing as a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of the ancient civilization.

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This is the first item's accordion body.</strong> It is shown by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the <code>.accordion-body</code>, though the transition does limit overflow.

This is the second item's accordion body.</strong> It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the <code>.accordion-body</code>, though the transition does limit overfl

This is the third item's accordion body.</strong> It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the <code>.accordion-body</code>, though the transition does limit overflow.

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