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Black Desert in Bahariya-oasis

The Black Desert is a striking geological wonder near the Bahariya Oasis in Egypt, characterized by its dark hills and mountains covered with black volcanic rocks. This unique landscape, about 50km south of Bawiti, is the result of ancient volcanic activity that has left a layer of black ash and iron-rich stones across the desert. 

Published 2024-Apr-Mon

Black Desert in Bahariya-oasis

The Black Desert is a striking geological wonder near the Bahariya Oasis in Egypt, characterized by its dark hills and mountains covered with black volcanic rocks. This unique landscape, about 50km south of Bawiti, is the result of ancient volcanic activity that has left a layer of black ash and iron-rich stones across the desert. 

the captivating Black Desert in the Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

  1. Formation and Appearance:

    • The Black Desert is located approximately 50 kilometers south of Bawiti, signaling the transition from beige desert to a striking black landscape.
    • Its unique appearance results from the erosion of volcanic mountains that have spread a layer of black powder and stones over the peaks and plateaus.
    • Imagine a landscape straight out of mythology—reminiscent of Hades—with dark hills and mountains covered in black volcanic rocks.
    • The contrast between the golden sands and the dark peaks creates a surreal and dramatic scenery that captivates visitors.
  2. Volcanic Origins:

    • The Black Desert’s dark coloration is due to ancient volcanic activity.
    • The area contains volcano mounds and is filled with basalt sills, which give it the distinct black hue.
    • These volcanic remnants add an otherworldly quality to the desert, making it a favorite stop-off for tours running out of Bahariya Oasis.
  3. Exploration and Accessibility:

    • Ordinary vehicles can drive the first kilometer or so off the Bahariya–Dakhla road into the White or Black Deserts.
    • However, only 4WD vehicles can venture deeper into either area.
    • Some travelers choose to explore the White Desert on foot, but reaching the weirdest wonderland of white hoodoos in the east would be quite a haul.
    • Bir Regwa, a small spring along the highway, usually has water, but it’s best not to rely on it.
    • Tourist police often turn a blind eye to safari outfits organizing short trips to both the Black and White Deserts.
  4. Other Sights in the Region:

    • Nearby attractions include Gebel Gala Siwa, a pyramid-shaped mountain that served as a lookout post for caravans coming from Siwa.
    • Another notable site is Gebel Az Zuqaq, known for the red, yellow, and orange streaks in its limestone base.
    • Adventurous travelers can climb an easily accessible path to the peak of Gebel Az Zuqaq.


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