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The pyramid of Djedefre in Abu Rawash

The Pyramid of Djedefre, located at Abu Rawash in Egypt, is the northernmost pyramid of the country. It was built by Djedefre, the son and successor of King Khufu. Although now mostly in ruins, it was once believed to be the most beautiful of the pyramids, with an exterior of polished granite and limestone. Architecturally unique, its chambers were constructed beneath the pyramid using a “pit and ramp” method, rather than inside the pyramid itself. The pyramid’s ancient name was “Djedefre’s Starry Sky” reflecting its grandeur1.

Published 2024-Apr-Sat

The pyramid of Djedefre in Abu Rawash

The Pyramid of Djedefre, located at Abu Rawash in Egypt, is the northernmost pyramid of the country. It was built by Djedefre, the son and successor of King Khufu. Although now mostly in ruins, it was once believed to be the most beautiful of the pyramids, with an exterior of polished granite and limestone. Architecturally unique, its chambers were constructed beneath the pyramid using a “pit and ramp” method, rather than inside the pyramid itself. The pyramid’s ancient name was “Djedefre’s Starry Sky” reflecting its grandeur1.

 the Pyramid of Djedefre at Abu Rawash

  1. Location and Background:

  2. Architectural Features:

    • The pyramid complex has an inner enclosure wall that rose to a height of about 6 meters.
    • Unlike the pyramids of his predecessors, Snofru and Khufu, Djedefre’s pyramid had its burial chamber beneath the ground.
    • The burial chamber was built at the bottom of a colossal pit measuring 23 by 10 meters and sunk some 20 meters into the ground. The chamber itself measured 21 by 9 meters.
    • 49-meter-long corridor sloped up to ground level, providing the entrance to the pyramid.
    • The entrance was located in the north, pointing to the circumpolar stars, following the tradition of Old Kingdom pyramids.
    • Unfortunately, very little remains of the pyramid today, leading to the assumption that it was left unfinished1.
  3. Construction Technique:

    • Djedefre’s pyramid was architecturally different from those of his immediate predecessors.
    • Instead of placing the chambers inside the pyramid, he used the “pit and ramp” method.
    • Here’s how it worked:
  4. Legacy and Destruction:

    • Djedefre’s pyramid was believed to be the most beautiful of the pyramids, with an exterior of polished, imported granite and limestone.
    • Its ancient name was “Djedefre’s Starry Sky”.
    • Unfortunately, the pyramid suffered significant destruction over time.
    • The Roman Empire deconstructed much of it to use the materials for their own construction projects after the conquest of Egypt.
    • The destruction continued during the Roman and early Christian eras when a Coptic monastery was built nearby.
    • Even in the late nineteenth century, stone was still being hauled away from the site.
    • Despite its ruinous state, Djedefre’s pyramid remains a fascinating piece of ancient Egyptian history21.

In summary, Djedefre’s pyramid stands as a testament to architectural innovation and the complexities of ancient Egyptian burial practices. Its unique construction method and mysterious motivations continue to intrigue researchers and visitors alike. 🌟🇪🇬21.

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