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The monastery of al Baramus or Romans

The Monastery of the Romans, also known as Deir al-Baramus, is the northernmost and likely the oldest of the four monastic communities in Egypt’s Wadi al-Natrun. Tradition holds that it was founded in the late 4th century by St. Macarius the Great. It is also associated with two Roman princes, Maximus and Domitius, who retreated to the area and are honored within the monastery. The complex includes five churches, with the Church of Al Adra (The Virgin) being the oldest123.

Published 2024-Apr-Sat

The monastery of al Baramus or Romans

The Monastery of the Romans, also known as Deir al-Baramus, is the northernmost and likely the oldest of the four monastic communities in Egypt’s Wadi al-Natrun. Tradition holds that it was founded in the late 4th century by St. Macarius the Great. It is also associated with two Roman princes, Maximus and Domitius, who retreated to the area and are honored within the monastery. The complex includes five churches, with the Church of Al Adra (The Virgin) being the oldest123.

the Monastery of the Romans, also known as Deir al-Baramus:

Historical Significance:
The Monastery of al-Baramus is situated in Wadi al-Natrun, one of the most famous regions in Egypt associated with Christian monasteries.
It is the northernmost of the four communities in the Wadi al-Natrun region.
Tradition holds that it was founded by St. Macarius the Great in the late 4th century AD.
St. Macarius settled in this place around 340 AD (or possibly as early as 330 AD) when he devoted himself to monastic life.
Name Origins:
The modern name of the monastery, al-Baramus, is derived from the Coptic Christian term Pa-Rameos, which means “that of the Romans.”
The origin of this name is somewhat disputed:
One tradition associates it with Maximus and Domitius, two Roman princes who retreated to the area during the days of St. Macarius.
Another theory suggests that a Roman monk named Arsenius settled in Wadi al-Natrun in 394 AD and became the abbot of the community.
Regardless of the exact origin, the name reflects its connection to Roman heritage.
Churches and Artifacts:
The monastery complex includes five churches.
The Church of Al Adra (The Virgin) is the oldest among them.
Researchers discovered frescoes dating from the 7th to 18th centuries AD on the plaster layers of the church walls.
These frescoes depict scenes related to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.
Today, the monastery is inhabited by approximately fifty monks.
The Arab historian al-Maqrizi identified it as the monastery of St. Moses the Black.
Archaeological research has been conducted on the remains of the site, known as Deir Anba Mussaal-Aswad (Monastery of Moses the Black), since 1996.
In summary, the Monastery of the Romans (Deir al-Baramus) stands as a testament to early Christian monasticism and continues to be a place of spiritual significance and historical exploration1234. 🙏🏼

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