Let's get deeper into the specifics regarding the Pharos in Alexandria:
1.The Pharos: Its Origin and Location;
The Pharos, or the Lighthouse of Alexandria, was an impressive structure, a lighthouse built by the Ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic Kingdom during the rule of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (280-247 BCE).
It was situated constructed on the island of Pharos, at the western confines of the Nile delta facing the city of Alexandria.
There was a mole named the Heptastadion constructed over 1200 meters (about 0.75 miles)2, which attached the island to Alexandria.
2.Architectural Marvel:
Another technological accomplishment was the lighthouse that served as the design model for every lighthouse that would be built afterwards.
Measuring at least 100 meters in total height (over three hundred and thirty feet approximately), it was amongst the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and for centuries the tallest man-made structure on the globe 2.
The construction of the building’s structure is said to have been designed by Sostratus of Cnidus, probably for Ptolemy I Soter, and finished during the reign of Ptolemy II 1.
3.Structure and Design:
4.The lighthouse consisted of three distinct levels:
The lowest level was cubical shaped.
The middle level had eight angles.
The upper level took a round shape.
For the completion of the third stage, a wide spiral ramp curved and led to the top where a fire would be lighted at night to act as a beacon guiding vessels.
Some sources describe a large statue placed on top of the lighthouse, which may have depicted either Alexander the Great or Ptolemy I Soter in the form of the sun God Helios2.
5.Destruction and Rediscovery:
The lighthouse sustained damages after three earthquakes in the period separating 956 and 1323 AD.
It is by 15th century; the lighthouse was already in a stagnant state as its ruins were easy to find.
In 1994, the French archaeologists were able to find the remains of the lighthouse under the sea.
In 2016, however, it was proposed that the underwater structure, which includes the remains of the Pharos, should be made an underwater museum 1.
The Lighthouse of Pharos continues to be